Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Potluck and Concert

The potluck supper and the concert were great. Everyone enjoyed the good food, the fellowship with our Christian family and the terrific music Phil and Pam provided. Pam's testimony brought tears, but the miracle of her singing was a joy to behold. Thank God for the blessings He bestows.

Everyone settled for supper, enjoying all the good cooks who grace our congregation with some seriously delightful meals.

Phil works the crowd, he got us all singing some old favorites - How Great Though Art and Old Rugged Cross. Everyone joined in.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday, June 12, 2011 - The Special...

This Sunday, the congregation was serenaded with an old gospel song, Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. Our choristers were delighted to perform and did an amazing job for God's glory and our listening pleasure. We hope to hear them again.

Carolyn, Matthew and Noah sing for the church.